At Flossome Orthodontics, we put our patients needs and goals at the top of the list. Through our equipped state-of-the-art facility and the skillfulness of Dr. Cardenas and her staff, will transform you smile and correct malocclusion in reasonable time.
We will design a personalized treatment plan that meets your needs and explain every step of your orthodontic treatment. Our personal and caring high-tech office will make your dental treatment a comfortable for adults and children alike. Our goal is to provide our patients with the best orthodontic care at a competitive price.
Our office is equipped with the latest orthodontic dental technologies to provide our patients with the best dental care and produce predictable successful results.
With state-of-the-art technology, Dr. Cardenas and her kind and helpful staff will create a healthy looking smile and correct your maloclussion in reasonable time.
We will design a treatment that meets your particular concern and explain every step of the treatment, you will have a great smile in less time then you ever thought imaginable.
Our personal, relaxing, high-tech office is where your oral health and high quality Orthodontic treatment is our ultimate goal.
I love my profession and I am passionate about creating healthy and beautiful smiles!
“In my opinion an Orthodontic treatment is one of the best gifts that you can give to yourself or your loved ones… It is life changing. It is never too early to schedule your first consultation.
The American Association of Orthodontics recommends the first Ortho check up at the age of 7”.Timing is of the essence to correct certain types of malocclusions. Solutions and treatments are available for any orthodontic concerns (Crowding, Spacing, overbite, underbite, protrusion of teeth, habits, discomfort or TMD symptoms, etc). You need a professional, honest and qualified opinion and a knowledgeable provider to correct your bite and achieve an ideal smile.
Call today for your complimentary orthodontic consultation!
New patients call 305-602-4681 / Office 305-275-1094